Wednesday, April 7, 2010

i just realized something.

that we have been married for nine years.
nine years
and still don't have babies.
i am so thankful we finally found an RE that we love and are on our 2nd journey to fight this madness to have a precious bundle of cuteness.

thinking of the years that have passed - i am kind of upset that we didn't pursue treatments in 2005 after we found out hubby had no fishies. i haven't told many people this, but Jay wanted to wait to test again, due the finality of the results. he is a man; he is supposed to bear children - these were his thoughts. then we found out about the exploratory retrieval surgeries that could be done; and he just waited. and waited. and waited to give me an answer. finally, after 3 years - he said no. i was never upset at him. never. just the amount of time that had passed. we have lost so much time. i am so thankful we are back to this point.

everything is going good. we are waiting for my cycle to start, which i hope isn't until the end of next week - just to make sure Metformin is back in the game. i'm over the tummy aches, thankfully.

i found out that my RE can store the donor sperm, but it is $400/month. so, that isn't a cost savings. we are still up in the air about our decision to stay with the same donor or choose from the lab in VA; is $90 in savings worth changing our minds on a donor we were really, really happy with?

we've spilt the beans about trying again...but only to a few - our parents, bf's, and a few co-workers. they are of course excited. i am reading alot on IUIs. I know there are lots of "things to try/do" during a infertility journey; if i can do anything that will help with this 2nd IUI; i am on it!

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