Thursday, April 8, 2010

needles, where?

still awaiting our cycle. but, this is good news. i want the Metformin to get back in the game and do what it's supposed to do. note: i need to research what exactly that is. sad: i've been on it for like a bazillion years, one would think i would know this. so, i'm still pushing for the end of next week. i think it's doing something since i haven't started yet. with PCOS craziness i have going on, cycles tend to come on a bi-weekly basis.

so i've been reading alot on acupuncture lately. it all seems crazy and painful to me, especially since i do not - i repeat, do not like needles. but im so curious. there are so many articles talking up the history and benefits, in addition to my sweet friend who is also TTC;  that they have kind of talked me into an appointment. you can read about it here.

like most, anything i can do that would help get a big. fat. positive.

but needles? there? where? what?

any personal stories? please share.

1 comment:

  1. thanks SO much! i am on my way to read now! is it only beneficial to IVFs or IUIs? I've read both...thoughts?
