Monday, April 26, 2010

swim little fishies, swim!

Hi. Sadly, I am not writing from my cozy bed; duties called and I had to come into the office post-IUI. The last time I choose to lay down for hours afterwards; hopefully it doesn't really matter.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I have a lot to catch-up on as I didn't get much online time; I can't wait to catch up on my reading and my sweet comments. Thank you all!

So, IUI went wonderful. I got there at 8:00 and after our fishies were thawed and washed, I got called back around 10:15. The count was 15 million. I was very happy - last donor was 14 million. I'm pretty sure I ovulated on time after triggering Saturday night. Note: I don't think we triggered in the right place the 1st cycle, because it didn't hurt. This cycle did. I pray this month is our BFP - because we move on to injectibles next month and a shot for 10-days straight in the rear doesn't excite me. i'm kind of a baby to pain. But gladly anything for a little baby. I am to start Progesterone suppositories tomorrow night, 100mg and my P4 test will be 5/3 @ 7:45a. My Beta will be 5/10 @ 7:45.

Please disregard the horrible hair day! Given the circumstances, these photo's of me aren't very good but are needed to document our journey.

Pre-IUI; awaiting RE

swim little fishies, swim!
this is during the procedure.

I have happily entered the 2 week wait. Fortunantly, I have learned patience; hopefully, that will pay off.


  1. Praying for you guys. I know you guys deserve a little one that I can

  2. Dee: Please repost. I have no idea what I did but accidently deleted your comment.....

  3. Praying for y'all and sending lots of *baby dust* your way!

    Just keep swimming!!

  4. Sending lots of sticky dust!!!!!!

  5. All the best for your 2WW! I hope you get that BFP! ICLW

  6. wow, what a journey you have been on!

    I hope this IUI is it for you!

    ICLW #166

  7. Stopping by for ICLW :)

    I LOVE the idea of taking pictures at RE's office! I might have to start doing that -- I know that those visits can be very stressful, but it is a great idea to document the journey. I think I just might bring my camera next time!

    Good luck with your 2WW! I'm there, too. Agonizing, isn't it?

  8. Good luck! Hoping for a stick this time around :)

  9. Fingers crossed that this is it!

    Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!

  10. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I hope this tww ends with a very sticky bfp.


  11. Hi thanks so much for your kind comments. I'm sorry the 2ww is dragging by, hopefully though you can find some things to distract you, maybe a good book? LOL Hang in there :)
