Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I think I am ok with this.

First of all, welcome ICLW! This is my first month participating. I am so excited to have found such a fabulous support group; it means the world to me. I look forward to visiting your pages and getting to know more about everyone.

My cd13 ultrasound went ok this morning. I have more eggs than I have EVER had which I am happy with. In addition to a bunch of small eggs, there were; however, only 3 [could be] dominant.  I have a 10mm and 12mm on my right side and a 12mm on my left. I will trigger on Saturday [which will bring all to about 16mm and 18mm) and my IUI will be Monday. My RE seemed to think the 10mm might not be ready, which confuses me....isn't 16mm good? Also, my lining was 6.5. (which is better than last cycle)

My husband is very optimistic. I maybe went in wanting more than I got; which sucks as I wanted to cry when I didn't hear "you have 5 x 18mm follies". I'm so unrealistic. What a weirdo. & being on Femara I know I am not going to get those results. I did that last time and set myself up for an emotional crash. But, I did have one more good follie this time and a bunch of small ones - in which last time, I only had 2, period. So I am happy with this. Jay is very, very optimistic - and I need that; he's so wonderful.


  1. Here for ICWL.

    Best wishes with your trigger and remaining cycle! We have MFI as well.

  2. sending you lots of luck and baby dust that it will work!! *hugs*

  3. Hi! I don't know about the follies, 'cause I've hear conflicting things. I never had more than 2 on Femara either. :( For EA, I think it's just a partial IVF. They take a frozen embryo (someone else's left over from IVF) and transfer it to me. So I think it's just the FET part of the IVF. They give you a bunch of drugs to thicken your lining as if you were doing IVF, they just don't do egg retrieval.

  4. Hi there stopping by for ICLW week!
    I hope this cycle leads you to your BPF! Good luck with the IUI.


  5. Yay for having your most eggs ever! I don't really understand the size thing too well myself. Best of luck - I hope this works for you.

  6. Congrats on the good u/s! Wishing you the best of luck. ICLW :) My first, too.

  7. Happy ICLW!!

    Congrats on your u/s. Sounds good to me. I wish you the very best on your up coming IUI. I hope it brings about a BFP for you!

  8. Congrats on having more follies!!!! I hope this works for you. Having an optimistic hubby is the best.

  9. I hope this is a wonderfully successful cycle!


  10. I hope and pray this cycle is it for you. Good luck!


  11. Good luck and congrats! Great blog, can't wait to read more. I'm your newest follower from IComLeavWe.


  12. Stopping by for ICLW. Hoping this leads to the miracle you have been waiting for. ((Hugs)) and baby dust!

    ICLW ~48~

  13. Ooo....sounds like you have some promising eggs. I hope you get that BFP soon. Wishing you all the best!

    ICLW #79

  14. Happy ICLW! This is my very first ICLW as well and I'm having a great time finding all these new blogs.

    Your blog jumped out on the list for me because we very similiar topics on the list. Yes, we also have PCOS & MFI. We are starting IVF soon.

    Good luck with this cycle. I will be following to see how you go.
